Welcome to Let’s Write page. As of this week, I will pick a few words from the lessons we cover each week and will write them down here for you to practise. Hope you will like it.
Believe me, it’s not very easy to write on the computer screen with a mouse! To do it well, I will need a digital pen, a notetaker or a tablet, or something of that nature, which, currently, I do not possess. But I’ll do my best to write with a mouse as good as I can. Please be patient with me. All you have to do is to follow me — patiently! Remember? Rome was not built in one day! :D
All the very best.
See you next Saturday.
Important note:
Make sure you write on a paper on a straight line (a base line).
The words you will learn today are:
Let’s Write – Lesson 162 (Mahi siah, page 18):

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