Welcome to the Easy Persian translation page! All of the sentences and phrases on this page were submitted by visitors to the site. It’s the perfect Persian phrasebook. Please be aware that some of the sentences were not be covered in our weekly lessons. Most of the translations here are presented in conversational Persian in an attempt to convey the message properly.
1. “I Love You” in Persian
Dooset daramNOTE: Like love itself, the above sentence is a bit complicated in Persian!! One of the meaning of “I love you”, and the most common one, is what you see above. This phrase has another equivalent in Persian, which is not very common in daily conversations. Rather, it is used in certain situations, or in poetry, music, and finally in some writings. We can say, /a:sheghetæm/ for /du:set da:ræm/. Or, any other phrase that uses the word
You may use /du:set da:ræm/ in the same way as we use “I love you” in English. That is to say, you may use it to express your love to your beloved (romantic moments!), to your children, to your parents, or even to your friends. But, /a:sheghetæm/ is better be used during the romantic moments only!!
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2. “I am interested in …” in Persian
I am interested in … . /mæn beh … ala:gheh da:ræm/.
3. “I miss you” in Persian
I’ll miss you! (I miss you!) /delæm bæra:t tæng misheh/.
4. “I want to go home” in Persian
I want to go home. /mikha:m beræm khu:neh/.
5. “How are you?” in Persian
How are you? /ha:letu:n chetoreh?/.
6. “May I come in?” in Persian
May I come in? /mitu:næm biya:m tu:?/.
7. “I’ll come to see you tomorrow” in Persian
I’ll come to see you tomorrow. /færda: miya:m bebinæmet/.
8. “Happy birthday” in Persian
Happy birthday to you! /taval.lodet moba:ræk!/.
9. “I am always thinking of you” in Persian
I love you more every day and I am always thinking of you. /hær ru:z bish æz ru:z-e- ghæbl du:set da:ræm væ hær læhzeh beh ya:detæm/.
10. “Happy New Year” in Persian
Happy New Year! /sa:l-e- no moba:ræk/.
11. “Nice to meet you” in Persian
Nice to meet you! /æz a:shna: i: tu:n khosh bækh tæm/.
12. “Hope to see you soon” in Persian
Salam pedar, it’s me Adrian. I just wanted to say “Hi and I am missing you a lot”. I hope to see you soon.
/sæla:m ba: ba:! mænæm, a:driya:n. mikha:stæm behet sæla:m konæm væ begæm keh kheili delæm bæra:t tæng shod-e-. omidva:ræm keh bezu:di bebinæmet/.
13. “I wish I could see you once more” in Persian
I wish I could see you once more. /ei ka:sh yek ba:r-e- digær mididæmet/.
14. “I’m waiting for you” in Persian
I will impatiently wait for you to come back. /bi sæbra:neh montæzeretæm ta: bærgærdi/.
15. “You are so beautiful” in Persian
You are so beautiful! /kheili khosh geli:/!
16. “When will you come back?” in Persian
When will you come back? /kei bær migærdi/?
17. “Grandfather and Grandmother” in Persian
Pedar bozorg Madar bozorg18. “A red rose is like a hot kiss” in Persian
A red rose is like a hot kiss, and I am sending you a whole bunch of them! /hær gol-e- sorkh bu:seh ye da:ghist væ mæn hælgheh i: særsha:r æz a:n miferestæmæt/!
19. “I want” in Persian
I want /mikha:m/. See sentence number 4 above.
20. “Please forgive me” in Persian
Please forgive me, I am still the same lover! /lotfæn mænu: bebækhsh, mæn hænu:z hæmu:n a:sheghetæm/!
21. “I speak a little Persian” in Persian
I speak a little Persian. /mæn kæmi fa:rsi bælædæm/.
22. “You are big” in Persian
To bozorgi23. “That’s cool” in Persian
It’s very cool (Something very good and interesting). /kheili ba: ha:leh/!.
24. “You are cool” in Persian
You are very cool (You are a good and very intersting person). /kheili ba: ha:li/!!
Note: Numbers 23 and 24 are very common in Persian, but they are very informal. You may use them as many times as you wish when talking to your friends, but try not to use them in formal or official situations.
25. “I want to do with you … ” in Persian
I want to do with you what spring does to the Cherry trees. /mikha:hæm bæra: yæt hæm chu:n bæha:ri bæra: ye sheku:f-e- ha: ye gi:la:s ba:shæm/.
26. “Nice meeting you” in Persian
Hey, my friend, Nice meeting you since the beginning of the year.
I don’t remember we use the same composition in Persian for the above meaning. Instead, we use some other expressions to express our feeling to the person we haven’t seen for a long time. So, the following Persian sentence is not the exact equivalent of the English one. It is translated based on the concept of the sentence, which is Persian-ized!
/chetori ræfigh? Ræfti ha:ji ha:ji mækeh, ha:?
Note: You may simply replace /ræfigh/ = /du:st/ with the person’s name.
27. “FIFA World Cup” in Persian
FIFA World Cup /ja:m-e- jæha:ni ye fu:tba:l/.
28. “In your eyes” in Persian
In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on. /dær chæsh ma:næt sholeh ha: ye shæfægh beh seti:z shekoft/.
29. “The light wraps you” in Persian
The light wraps you in its mortal flames. /nu:r dær ha:leh i: mi:ra: mæstu:ræt mikonæd/.
30. “I’ll pray for you” in Persian
I’ll pray for you. /bæra:t doa: mikonæm/.
31. “You brighten up my day” in Persian
You are like the sun, when I think of you, you brighten up my day. /to hæma:nænd _e_ khorshidi:, hær ga:h keh beh to biændishæm ru:zæm monæv.vær æst/.
32. “Monday is a special day” in Persian
Monday is a special day in Dushanbe when there is no war. /du:shænbeh dær (shæhr-e-) Du:shænbeh ru:z-e- kha:s.si:st ægær jæng næba:shæd/.
33. “Much coin much care” in Persian
Much coin much care (pain)
Note: we know that this is a proverb not a normal sentence. We also know that, basically, we do not translate the proverbs and expressions. Rather, we find their equivalents in our target language. Therefore, the Persian equivalent for the above proverb is this:
The wider the roof, the bigger the snow.
/hær keh ba:mæsh bi:sh, bærfæsh bi:shtær/.
34. “Balance” in Persian
Ta adol35. “She lost her balance” in Persian
She lost her balance and fell off her bicycle. /u: tæa:dolæsh ra: æz dæst da:d væ æz ru: ye do chærkheh æsh ofta:d/.
36. “You have beautiful eyes” in Persian
You have beautiful eyes! /chesha: ye ghæshængi da:ri/.
37. “Happy anniversary” in Persian
Happy anniversary! /sa:l ru:z moba:ræk/.
38. “Can I speak to … ” in Persian
Can I speak to Helen? (On the phone) /mitu:næm ba: Helen sohbæt konæm/?
39. Happy Birthday song in Persian
During the past few weeks, I have received several messages from your friends who have been asking for a Persian song, or chant or something like this that is used in birthday parties. As far as I remember, the Iranian mostly use the following song during their birthday parties. What you see below is a part of the song (and the most important part of it). You already know its meaning, which is “Happy Birthday to you”. To listen to this song, you’ll have to forgive my terrible voice!!
/tavæl.lod – tavæl.lod – tavæl.lodet moba:ræk. Moba:ræk – moba:ræk – tavæl.lodet moba:ræk/!
40. “Little sister” in Persian
Little sister /kha:hær ku:chu:lu:/.
41. “Be honest” in Persian
Be honest without the thought of heaven or hell! /bi ændisheh æz du:zækh ya: behesht sa:degh ba:sh/.
42. “Good night” in Persian
Shab beh kheir43. “I love talking to you” in Persian
I love talking to you. /mæn æz hærf zædæn ba:ha:t lezæt mi bæræm/.
44. “Tit for tat” in Persian
Tit for tat! /in beh ja: ye u:n/!
Also (more common in daily conversation): /in beh u:n dær/!
Also (in formal speech like news) /tæla:fi ju:ya:neh/.
Example: A tit for tat (retaliatory) operation: /æmæli ya:t _e_ tæla:fi ju:ya:neh/.
45. “Could you do me a favour” in Persian
Could you do me a favour please? /mish_e_ ye lotfi dær hæghæm bokoni/?
46. “When will you call again?” in Persian
When will you call (telephone) me again? /du:ba:reh kei behem zæng mizæni/?
47. “When will you write to me?” in Persian
When will you write a letter to me? /kei behem na:meh midi/?
48. “What?” in Persian
ChehAlso in daily conversation /chi/.