As you know, practice makes perfect! These useful drills present even more new words for you to add to this week’s lesson. This will not only build your Persian vocabulary, but also help you learn to read and write Farsi more quickly and confidently.
Note: Before doing these homeworks, make sure you have learned the previous words fluently.
New words:
Oto bus Derakht Chaghu Ashpaz khanehTo fix = to repair = /tæmi:r kærdæn/.
Please translate the following sentences into Persian.
You already know how to use the rule. You may find the answers below.
Note: I understand using these strange numbers in these sentences seem a little funny! But, this is the only way we can practice them now. After all, learning these numbers in such sentences must be much easier than learning them through some mathematical procedures ( addition, multiplication, and so on)!!
- His fat friend saw your red bus 69 days ago.
- This short girl gave a red flower to her friend.
- My good classmate bought a black bag 8 days ago.
- Your white dog broke my yellow glass the day before yesterday.
- That bad man cut 500 green trees last year.
- This good student planted 15 red flowers 3 years ago.
- Mr. Watson found two big knives in the kitchen tonight.
- Miss Helen washed those purple curtains 23 hours ago.
- Mr. Reza fixed my blue bicycle 8 hours ago.
- Mrs. Green received four white boxes this morning.
- My tall teacher wrote two big books two years ago.
- We didn’t write one big book last year.
- His black cat didn’t eat my yellow bird last night.
- They didn’t find their white dog any more.
- Mr. Green didn’t cut this green tree 7 days ago.
December 26, 2012 @ 9:50 am
There seems to be very little difference between the pronunciation for koshtaen and kaeshtaen for the verbs ‘to kill’ and ‘to plant.’ How do you tell which one is which?
January 18, 2013 @ 4:53 pm
First one is to kill, second one is to plant
Nicole A
March 16, 2014 @ 11:38 am
I hope that this is helpful in understanding the difference: koshtan has the same “o” sound as in implode while kashtan has a similar “a” pronunciation as in hobbit.
July 17, 2013 @ 3:17 pm
why do we translate “two knives” into ” dou chaghou-e-” and not into “two chaghou” ?
July 29, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
I was also wondering that, as well as why in number 9, it is ‘abi am’ instead of just ‘abim’
August 21, 2014 @ 9:15 pm
exuse me but how do you say this sentence when there are more than one than one object? “This short girl gave a red flower to her friend”
November 10, 2016 @ 9:39 pm
here, the indirect object is made with “beh”. So: Ân dokhtar e ghad kutâh gol e ghermezi râ beh dustash dâd.