Merci beaucoup pour vos messages aimables.
Many thanks to those who were eager to share their feeling with others, even it was a single smile.
Frank Sinatra – Happy Birthday To You
Frank Sinatra - Happy Birthday To You(You may either listen or right click on this link and choose ‘Save target as’ )
Congratulations for the first year! Hassan H.

Dear Hassan, gratefull for your lessons. Every week I am looking foreward to it. May God bless You in everything you do. I wish you all the best from Holland and I hope you will continue doing this for a long time.
with love
Salut Hassan, je ne parle pas anglais mais je veut seulement te féliciter pour ton site. C’est justement le meilleur. Je m’appelle R. et j’apprend, de le debout, la langue persane en suivant tes conseils.
Je te remercie et j’espère que tu continuera a nous apprendre a aimer votre culture.
Une admiratrice des iraniens, R.
Sa:l ru:z moba:ræk!
I write you from Honduras, it is a small country, in Central America.
Note that Central America doesnt mean the center of the United States, as some people think.
We are the six countryes that conect, from mexico to colombia.
This countries are Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.
You have put an incredible effort in your page, and certanly, you have own my respects.
Even commercial sites doesnt take this care of that details.!!
I dont know how do you do this for free, buy i wish you all the blessings my fate allows.
I assume that you are from the Islamic Fate. I m a Catholic Christian, but may the one God
keep you well.
In a time when all we hear (or it is presented on tv) about middle east, tends to make people
think that all of them are a bunch of fanaticals terrorists and such, YOUR SITE IS A PROOF OF
Once again, with my deepest respects to the people who make this site possible, i will keep
learning, and suggesting the site to everyone i know.
Thanks again, and belssings for all of you.
FERNANDO MONTERROSO, Honduras, Central America
Just to say I am happy to find your site. May God bless you!
Shirin F. (New Zealand)
To the Site Owner/Manager/Webmaster, or the responsable of this incredible site:
I just want to thank you.
This is just the most comprehensive site i ever try!
I have a friend in Iran, and i really want to learn Farsi, but all the sites i check out ( a dozen or so ) where the most depressing experience i ever have. I tougth i will never learn.
With your site, i have the good feeling that, with some hard work of course, i will make it.
Thanks for the little details, like the contextual explanetions, and the phonetical help.
you have done a really good job, i rate this site with five stars * * * * *
Fernando Monterroso
Hey, what’s up! Just freed me from carrying this much books!
Steve Morou (California, USA)
Thanks Mr. Hassan for your continuous efforts to come up with your best in this site and specifically for teaching your native language. I sent you one day an email but received not comments or reply. though , this is my second mail. I am 100% sure that you are putting a lot of efforts to come up with great innovation and teaching technique. when I was in Iran earlier this year I found myself in a situation to like learning the language to enjoy talking to Iranian as they look very hospital and kind, in addition to their open minds and good education. I would finally to take this opportunity to thank you and at the same time say congratulation for the first year of your effort. Plz accept my best wishes and Khuoda Hafths.
Beshir (Saudi Arabia)
Agha Hassan, your effort is truely appreciated.
Kamran (USA)
Hello Hasan:
My experience has been a very positive one with I am a 21 year old female from Ann Arbor, Michigan. My background is Lebanese. However, I never learned Arabic, which is a big disadvantage. I starting to become interested in the Persian language about 4 years ago when I met my now best friend, Rachel. She was born in Iran and has a very interesting story to her life. To save time you can ask about her later. Since she has gone back home, I have not made rapid progress with the language. I have met many Persian people in the area that has been a real help to me. Being in a University town has really helped. I have searched the Internet high and low for Persian teaching sites. It was not until I found that I was truly happy with the Internet. Most of the sites were willing to teach-for a price. I was so happy to find and that it was free to all. I became ecstatic and e-mailed Rachel right away. She was happy too because so many out in the Los Angeles area are Persian or want to learn Persian and she has told them and they are benefitting now. Many are taking advantage of your hard work and effort that goes into the site. Many are becoming fluent in Persian, which is such a great thing. Being bilingual is such a valuable gift that can help many people. Many thanks goes out to you Hasan. All I can say is to keep the new lessons coming and never forget how many lives you touch every day. You bring this world closer together.
My name is Day. I just came across your site, and I wanted to say…it’s a truly wonderful site. I am just a beginner, so I am behind your weekly lessons by 49 weeks!! But I am a very earnest language learner. I am very excited. Thank you for your useful site….it’s such a great gift to those of us who want to learn but who really don’t have the financial access to commercial language kits.
Okay, I’ll keep in touch.
Namaste! I am wondering how you can do all this! Thanks a lot and best of luck!
Rajish (New Delhi, India)
I’m 13 and recently my friend Amir started to teach me Persian. When I found your site I started the lessons and looked around. This morning I sang happybirthday to him for his birthday and he was very pleased. Thanx for your site it is very helpful and easy to understand!!!
Love Lauren
Dear teacher, I am dancing like this. May God give you success in your life.
P.S. I am not so fat! Beh Khoda!!
Anahita ( New Zealand)
I just wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful website. What an extraordinarily generous contribution! I am an undergraduate in Washington, DC planning on moving to Iran next year to do graduate studies in Islamic philosophy. I have been studying Arabic for a few years and I also studied French and I know the frustrations of learning a language. Your design is exquisite, making the learning painless for the student. Thank you very, very much!
Katelin Mason
I can’t believe what you are doing! Is it really possible to find such person now? Your site is amazing!
Thanks a whole bunch!
Monica (Nice – France)
Dear Hassan H.
Thank you for your site. I am learning a little bit. I am on Lesson 14.
After visiting my husband’s family this summer and seeing how well the children spoke English, I felt guilty for not learning Farsi after 20 years of marriage to an Iranian. It has never been very important to my husband that I know his native language, but it has become important to me. I at least should try.
Thanks again,
Congratulations on sal-e ruz-e
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for the important work you are doing by putting these Persian lessons on the Internet. I am an interpreter/translator by profession, and I have been lucky enough to come into contact with people of many different backgrounds and to become familiar with several different languages, and I believe that language-learning opens doors that may unfortunately have been shut by historical misunderstandings, politics, ignorance, etc. When we can communicate with each other, we realize that our differences are unimportant when compared to the the things that we can offer one another.
I first became interested in Iranian culture at a young age because I was fascinated by Zartoshti religion and classical Persian literature.
Having decided to learn Farsi, I was very excited to discover your site.
Using a combination of these lessons, conversational tapes and phrasebooks and listening to such things as Voice of America, BBC, Persian-language TV (I live in Washington DC area) and a lot of Persian pop music, I have learnt so much that my fiance and his friends, who are Iranian, say that I am a spy!! They are joking, of course, so I take it as a compliment. I can easily understand when speaking to, for example, a Tehrani or Afghan; but what is more impressive, I can even get the general idea when my fiance speaks in his supersonic Abadani accent (I hope you are not from Khuzestan :)) I thank you, sir, for the miracle by which what was once “foriegn babble” turns into a melodic, familiar and comforting words.
I am grateful for many of the features of your site–I have discovered many new and wonderful things via the links page. I especially like the Let’s Write page–because I learnt the alphabet originally while studying Arabic (totally unrelated language family, by the way, for those readers who are interested), I have been told that my handwriting was inauthentic and that I wrote like “a computer font”. No longer, since I spend a lot of time practising with this page.
If I could make a suggestion, I would say that I hope sometime down the line you will explain to us the adjustments we need to make when speaking informally, i.e. though we know the correct word is “mitavanid”, for example, we will say “mitunin”, etc. I am especially interested to know when and if it is appropriate to spell out these forms, for example, when writing a personal letter.
Again, thank you so much for your time, effort, and thoughtfulness, and also for inspiring me (I plan to study Farsi at University level, which I will begin soon)…these are so much more than just language lessons!
God bless!
With much love and respect,
Dear Hassan,
Happy birthday to your site!
You know I stayed with your lessons since June 2002 and I love them. I am Russian and had absolutely no background of persian. (Having an Iranian boyfriend prompted me to study this language)
Your site made learning almost effortless, exciting and fun… not to mention it’s free. :) Unlike textbooks and school lessons, your teaching brought no frustration or discouragment. Your continous support and fast email replies also kept my motivation throughtout the lessons.
I thanked you 1000 times already, and I thank you again for your site and dedication to your students.
Your student,
Happy anniversary!
I like your courses,it is such a great work that many people can’t believe it. :)
Thank you for give me a easy way to learn Persian.
I have learned some lessons and I hope I can write a e-mail in Persian to you in near future.
/zai jian/!
Khoda Hafez!
Wang (China)
NOTE: The above picture was a very interesting animated one. Quite unfortunately, I couldn’t transfer that image to this page in spite of all I did. I hope Mr. Wang will kindly forgive me. Hassan. (Mr. Wang, xie xie!!)
hello there,
It was totally by coinsidence that I was invited to an international seminar.People were of different nationalities and among the Henrik from Sweden and a lady from Estonia, loved me for being an Iranian. I felt insufficient for accepting this love and respect which in fact was for millions of people who have the same language, culture and history. But at the same time I felt great and proud.The lady told me that I should be proud of who we are and that the whole human history has started in the area of old and new Persia. I felt my heart throbbing even faster and beyound my control.Henrik told me that he is practicing his Persian with your site that I didn’t know it ever existed.I visited your site today and I feel obligated to thank you for your efforts.But as an specialist in Afghanistan and the fact that these people are a nonseperable part of us that much to my regret have been temporarily cut away by politics and greed,I love to requeat you and I do believe that you deeply understand and realize that they,too,are a part of this language, culture and history.I am sure that you know that Iranian history and literature would have no meaning without Rostam and Rumi or hundreds of others like them.We know that Rostam was from Zabol(now Afghanistan) and Rumi was from Balkh(now Afghanistan).So will you be kind enough to expand your wings further more and get out of this cage of political borders that Britain,Russia and …..have created and mention that this language is the language of Afghanistan,India(parts),Pakistan(Iqbal Lahori),Azarbaijan(Ganjavi is almost in the level of Ferdowsi) and hundred of others.Sorry for intevening in your privacy but I felt obligated to mention this because there are still a lot of persian words spoken around the world and that incules languages like Russian,Caucasia,Central Asia(Tajikestan is equally the owner of this language and how can you exclude Roudaki from our language?)……
Mr Hassah H,I am getting out of control and shiverin so let me stop here and we’ll possibly be in contact later….
Pleaser for honesty’s sake do mention who else ios sharing and owning this language and let us all be equal partners.
> Nassy
Dear teacher Hassan H.
Congratulations on completing one year of teaching persian free of cost to all and sundry. Learning Persian at your site is indeed easy. I am from Pakistan. I along with some of my colleagues and friends have learnt a lot of Persian language from your site. May God give you ability to continue imparting Persian lessons.
Your student